July 03, 2006

Let the willing consumer in on the carbon trading principle!

Sir, James Macintosh in “The car industry needs carbon trading”, July 3, puts the full responsibility for carbon-trading on the car manufacturers and also mentions the problem that “automotive carbon trading might not provide politicians with the image boos they get from driving a hybrid car or filling up a car with ethanol from Iowa’s cornfields”. Well, he misses the most important part of the story. As the environmental conscientious consumers are the ones actually purchasing the hybrids and the ethanol, the most important thing to be done is to make them aware that there are more efficient ways for them to help out. Let them get their real image boost by placing a sticker on their window shield stating that though they drive normal cars, with normal fuel, they are contributing all of their cash savings from not using hybrids or ethanol, to smart and cost-efficient environmental projects, like for instance a reforestation of a couple of acres in Tanzania, and that they could perhaps even watch growing on the web.