May 21, 2007

Give me someone without a conflict of interest and by definition he is a no one.

Sir, William Cohan surprisingly seems to express some surprise about that “Bankers must act to avoid conflict of interest” May 21. Hey, in my country, whichever, everyone knows that everyone with the exception of some shoe-shiners have one conflict of interest or another, and for that matter even shoe-shiners have been seen overhearing an investment tip or two.

What I really find surprising is how the financial sector regulators have been able to convince themselves to believe that their delegated authorities, the credit rating agencies, are in fact able to act free of conflict of interests. Might it be the regulators are so full of it they do not even notice?

I have conflicts of interest at all times (hum, even while sleeping) and what I found is important is to learn to keep them in check… reasonably.