January 05, 2018

It’s not the role of regulators and central banks to help governments fund their operations, behind the back of citizens

Sir, Kate Allen writes that “euro-area financial institutions” have reduced their holdings of public debt “17 per cent in the past two years [but] the ECB made nearly €1.5tn of cumulative net purchases of eurozone public sector bonds through its quantitative easing programme — effectively replacing the purchasing role that banks had played. “Post-crisis reforms force European governments to curtail size of debt sales” January 5.

It all forms part of the same statist subsidizing of public debt. 

What would sovereign rates be if banks had to hold the same capital against sovereign debt than against loans to citizens; and if ECB had not purchased “eurozone public sector bonds through its quantitative easing programme”? The answer would have to be rates much higher, which would send quite different risk-free-rate signals.

In 1988, with Basel Accord, statist regulators, with their 0% risk weighted bank capital requirements, began subsidizing immensely government borrowings. When the 2007/08 crisis came along, central banks, perhaps in order to hide own their regulatory failures, with their quantitative easing purchases generated, wittingly or not, new sovereign debt subsidies.

This has dramatically changed the economical relations between governments and private sectors. It amounts to statist hanky-panky behind the backs of citizens. Since besides needing servicing it consumes, for nothing really special, sovereign indebtedness space that could be urgently needed tomorrow, it might become deemed as high treason by future generations. Where this is going to end is anyone’s guess, but it sure won’t be pretty.
